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4 Skincare Habits That Can Improve Your Overall Health

4 Skincare Habits That Can Improve Your Overall Health

Your skin is your body’s second largest organ, right after the recently discovered interstitium. Its job is to protect you from the environment, including the sun. If you treat your skin right, your whole body benefits.

Our expert dermatologists at Specialists in Dermatology believe that healthy skin and a healthy body go hand-in-hand. Here we provide some skincare tips that’ll improve your health overall. 

Drink lots of water … and tea

You probably already know you should drink approximately 8-10 glasses of water of about 8 ounces each every day, depending on your diet and activity level. You may have even seen those postings in which previously dehydrated women suddenly look years younger once they add water back into their diets.

But water isn’t the only liquid that feeds your skin and body. Drinking two or more cups of green or black tea per day could reduce your risk for squamous cell carcinoma. In fact, the antioxidants in green tea act as a sort of internal sunscreen, protecting your skin cells from DNA damage when exposed to sun (but don’t skip the external sunscreen!). 

Of course, your skin isn’t the only benefactor from water and tea. Every organ in your body needs to stay hydrated to function well. Water helps your kidneys flush away toxins and keeps them free from stones. Antioxidants promote health in all your cells.

Eat healthy foods

What you eat affects how healthy you are overall and also how healthy your skin is (and looks). Fresh fruits and vegetables are filled with water, plus vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Healthy fats and proteins are good for your body and skin, too. Your skin is made of protein, including the collagen that creates its support and strength. Eating collagen-rich foods such as bone broth (i.e., soup without the veggies) or high-quality collagen peptides may improve the strength and flexibility of your skin and joints.

Get sweaty

When you exercise vigorously, you sweat. Sweat eliminates toxins from your body, including toxins on your skin. The right type and amount of exercise promotes health throughout your body. You notice a healthy glow right after you exercise, because of the increase of oxygen and blood to your skin.

Working out to the point of sweating, or even taking a sauna or hot bath, dilates your blood vessels, which helps oxygen reach all of your cells. While the sweat stays on your skin, it acts as a natural disinfectant. Rinse off the sweat eventually, though, to avoid irritation.

Be sun smart

When you protect your skin from the sun, you protect your body from the sun’s deleterious effects, which could include potentially lethal skin cancer. Avoid the sun during its peak hours, and always check the UV index in your area so you know when you need to take extra precautions.

Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses every time you go outside. Use a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more on your face and body whenever you’re exposed to the sun: That includes while sitting by a window or driving in your car.

We help you find the right kinds of sunscreen for your skin and lifestyle. We also recommend using cosmetics and moisturizers that have sunscreens in them to keep you and your skin safe, too.

To learn more about how to improve your health by keeping your skin healthy and cancer-free, contact us at Specialists in Dermatology in Houston, Texas, or The Woodlands, Texas, today. Phone the office nearest you, or use our online form.

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