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5 Reasons to Wear a Quality Sunscreen Daily

5 Reasons to Wear a Quality Sunscreen Daily

When you were younger, you may have chosen quantity over quality: You loved fast fashion that filled your closet with variety. But, just as quickly, those garments filled your trash can, too.

You then learned to look for quality in garments, in foods, and in other areas of your life. Quality makes a difference in sunscreens, too. 

At Specialists in Dermatology, we encourage you to keep your skin safe from skin cancer and unwanted signs of aging by using sunscreen every day. That includes winter days and gloomy days when the sun’s reflections off cloud cover can be just as dangerous as direct rays. 

Our expert dermatologists would never put a poor-quality product on their skin, so we don’t want you to do that, either. We offer high-quality, medical-grade sunscreens from top brands such as:

When you use a quality sunscreen, you’re more likely to adopt it as a part of your daily skincare regimen. Why are quality sunscreens so beneficial? The following are just five reasons.

1. Quality sunscreens protect against DNA damage and cancer.

One out of every five women and men in the United States will develop at least one skin cancer by the age of 70. More than two people die from this mostly preventable disease each hour. 

The reason why dermatologists advise against sun exposure is that the sun’s UVA and UVB rays damage the DNA in your skin cells. Damaged skin cells with faulty DNA are more susceptible to becoming cancerous. 

Quality sunscreens, though, deflect the sun’s UVA and UVB rays, so they can’t enter your skin cells to destroy or alter your DNA. Also be sure to inspect your skin regularly and come to Specialists in Dermatology for an annual skin cancer screening. 

2. Quality sunscreens prevent wrinkles and spots.

When the sun damages your skin’s DNA, it does more than put you at increased risk for skin cancer. It also damages the look and feel of your skin, making it lose vibrancy, clarity, and resilience. A quality sunscreen protects your skin from signs of aging such as:

A quality sunscreen shields against both UVA and UVB rays (i.e., it is “broad-spectrum”). It also has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30.

3. Quality sunscreens are compatible with other products.

Cheap, drugstore sunscreen brands tend to be greasy and heavy, making it hard to apply your makeup after you put on your sunscreen. A quality sunscreen, in contrast, is made with ingredients that help your skin look and feel beautiful. It’s easy to apply makeup over a high-quality sunscreen.

Some of our brands also feature cosmetics that have sunscreens built right in. Just a few of the sunscreen skin care and cosmetics available are:

Investing in quality sunscreen and quality cosmetic products with sunscreen allows you layer them for extra protection.

4. Quality sunscreens feature non-toxic ingredients.

Many of the ingredients in quality sunscreens are so safe and supportive that they’re actually food-quality, too. Instead of slathering your skin with toxic chemicals, a quality sunscreen protects you with nourishing:

Most quality sunscreens are barrier sunscreens, which means that they use minerals to deflect the sun’s rays. In contrast, low-quality sunscreens often feature chemicals that absorb the sun’s rays; unfortunately, your skin and bloodstream then absorb those chemicals. 

5. Quality sunscreens are customized to your needs.

One of the most wonderful — but frustrating — aspects of modern life is how many choices you have, in everything from the type of diet you eat to the type of quality sunscreen you wear. It can be difficult to sort through the options and find the one that’s best for you. 

Trial and error costs you time and money. However, when you consult with our dermatologists, they take time to analyze your skin, your lifestyle, and your needs to customize the best high-quality skincare and skin protection regimen for you. 

Find the easiest, most effective way to keep your skin beautifully safe from skin cancer and signs of aging by learning which quality sunscreen is best for you. Contact our skin and sunscreen experts today at the location nearest you for an individualized consultation. 

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