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These Easy Steps Will Keep Your Skin Looking Healthy and Young


With all of the new anti-aging treatments and products available now, deciding which you need can be confusing.  At Specialists in Dermatology, in The Woodlands and Houston, Texas, our expert dermatologists know that being stressed out about your skin isn’t good for your health — or your skin — so they help you keep things simple.

Whether you’re still in your 20s or younger and want to keep your skin youthful, or you’ve already noticed the signs of aging, or you’re trying to turn back the hands of time with a vengeance, the same fundamental principles apply. Here they offer a few easy steps to help you keep (or regain) a healthy glow:

1. Protect yourself from ultraviolet light

The main culprit behind aging skin is one that feels warm and cozy: the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Though it’s healthy to get exercise and to enjoy the fresh air of outdoors, the sun’s UVA and UVB light wreaks havoc on your skin, breaking down strengthening collagen and elastin, and creating age spots and wrinkles.

The first principle of keeping your skin youthful, therefore, is protecting it from UVA and UVB rays. That means applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every time you go outdoors, drive, or sit or work near a sunny window. That also means no tanning, especially not at a tanning salon.

Even though you may think a tan makes you look healthy, it’s actually a sign that your skin has been damaged. Sun damage in the form of suntans and sunburns greatly increases your chances of developing skin cancer, including deadly melanomas.

At Specialists in Dermatology, we offer high-quality, medical-grade sunscreens, such as:

2. Cleanse regularly, but gently

Soap and water may have worked for great-grandma, but it’s too harsh and drying if you want to keep your skin in optimum shape. Ask your dermatologist about a gentle cleanser that removes dirt and grime without stripping your skin of essential oils. Your cleanser should be tailored to match your skin type, including how oily or dry it is; whether you have acne, rosacea, or another skin condition; and whether or not you’ve begun to develop wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Also avoid scrubbing your skin, which can damage it, as can washing it more than twice a day. Massage your cleanser into your skin with warm water using clean fingers or a soft cloth. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

3. Moisturize appropriately

Even if you have acne and oily skin, keeping your skin moist is essential to its continued health. Your expert at Specialists in Dermatology recommends a moisturizer containing ingredients that are appropriate to your skin type, such as retinoids and antioxidants, and that are non-comedogenic, so they don’t block your pores.

4. Hydrate, hydrate

Keeping your body hydrated by drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water helps your skin look plump and youthful. And if you live in a dry climate or turn on the heat while indoors during cold days, be sure you “hydrate” the air with a humidifier, too.

5. Eat for your skin cells

A healthy diet leads to healthy skin. Eating vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits nourishes all of your cells — including your skin cells. High-quality protein, such as salmon, chicken, and grass-fed beef, helps your skin stay strong. And high-quality fats that contain essential fatty acids produce your skin’s protective oil barrier and also keep your skin hydrated.

6. Get your beauty sleep

Your skin needs time to rest, relax, and restore, just like the rest of your organs do. Getting a good night’s sleep shows up in the tone, texture, and health of your skin.

7. Exfoliate regularly

Youthful skin quickly rids itself of old, dead skin cells so that new skin cells can rise to the surface. But as you age, your old cells take longer to slough off.

Keep your skin cells turning over at a youthful rate with regular chemical peels at Specialists in Dermatology. Your dermatologist chooses the right strength of peel for your needs, to help resolve issues such as:

Monthly peels help your skin stay glowing and youthful.

Start on your way to healthier, younger looking skin by calling us today or using the online booking form.

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